

XQM 吸聲牆面   

XQM 吸聲牆面是與牆體(tǐ)組成一(yī)體(tǐ)的吸聲結構,具有整體(tǐ)感強,外(wài)表豪華的特點,具有較寬的吸聲頻(pín)帶,特别是對于低頻(pín)環境噪聲中(zhōng),在其與剛性壁面間留出一(yī)定距離(lí)的共振空腔更能體(tǐ)現其優良的低頻(pín)吸聲性能。  




XQM acoustic wall board
XQM acoustic wall board is a whole sound absorbing structure, featured with whole sense, luxury appearance and wider sound absorbing frequency band, especially suitable for low-frequent environmental noise, in the empty cavity leaved from flexible wall surface can better show its excellent low frequency sound absorbing performance.
XQM acoustic wall board can be widely used in large noise workshop, power plant, AC fan room, textile plant, meeting room, gymnasium and museum.
XQM acoustic wall board can be designed as steel structure, Al alloy structure and so on. Face board can use Al perforated board, FC perforated board, or other materials. Inner filler is as different technical requirements.

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